Jim Irsay asks for a special prosecutor to look into Russian hack of his twitter account.

June 29, 2017


Jim Irsay, Owner of the Indianapolis Colts, had just finished watching his 3rd episode of season three of the Golden Girls and had his warm milk and a chocolate chip cookie before falling to sleep Wednesday night.  What ensued after we can only assume was a Russian hack that shook the 58-year-old Colts owner to his core.  “Just despicable.  Just despicable.  Why would someone want to publish something like that to my account,” he was rumored to have said to a close associate at the team’s 56th street facility.

As word spread across twitter universe that a nude photo was posted to Irsay’s account, another tweet, from the same Russian outfit, posted “I’ve been hacked.  Be careful out there.”  Which was then deleted, by an un-named North Korean sushi chef.

“This is an unacceptable breach of the democratic use of my twitter account, and we need answers,” Irsay told a close associate who wanted to remain anonymous.  “We need a special prosecutor to investigate this.”

As Irsay arrived at the team’s 56th Street facility, CNN correspondent Jim Acosta was at the entry door slamming his head into the door screaming, “Turn on the Cameras Mr. Irsay, Turn on the Cameras!  Why won’t you turn them on?  Why won’t you turn them on?  Why are you blackballing me?  Turn them on!”  Acosta was later seen wandering around the 56th street facility in his underwear.

A source close to the FBI confirmed that former FBI director James Comey called acting director Andrew McCabe to see if he could be assigned to the special prosecutor’s team that would be investigating this incident, before breaking down in tears exclaiming “that he felt really queasy looking at the photo,” and abruptly hung up.  No evidence has been given to us that shows any Russian hack into Irsay’s twitter account, but we need an investigation to confirm this, for the sake of democracy!

99% of scientists agree that Cosby mistrial caused by Global Warming

June 21, 2017


A consensus of scientists has confirmed that global warming is the main factor in the mistrial of sex pervert Bill Cosby.  The mistrial, handed down by science denying jurists, caused the caribou in Alaska to wail in pain as their lives are now in eminent danger.  The spotted owls, which made the cross country trip from California, were seen gathered in numerous trees outside the courthouse consoling each other.

Anonymous sources have confirmed that 2 of the jurists were Trump supporters and likely were the problem in coming to a guilty verdict.  Sources with knowledge of the jury deliberation but were not authorized to speak on the record heard through numerous communication, including the spotted owls which were in earshot of the jury room, that 2 or more jurors when asked what they thought started chanting, “Trump, Trump, Trump” while drinking imported Russian vodka.  When asked to sit down and try to look at evidence, they came to the table only after discarding their vodka bottles and water bottles in the regular trash, not even attempting to find a recycle bin.  Anonymous sources have also confirmed that these 2 jurists left in their gas guzzling SUVs.

“These outbursts can be directly linked to Global Warming and increases carbon emissions from cars, SUVs and adults that exhale,” exclaimed an esteemed scientist that requested to remain anonymous.  “The melting polar ice and death of polar bears can cause tremendous stress on anyone’s nervous system and to expect jurists to sit in a room where air conditioning is killing the planet is not fair to the prosecution of crimes.”

To be sure, there will be another trial and hopefully, this time, the trial will be tried in a more tolerant state with strict carbon emission standards.  To leave jury’s to decide cases with possible brain damage due to global warming and high carbon emissions are unfair to the victims.

At the printing of this story, no evidence has been presented that any of this happened in the jury room, but that is why Governor Tom Wolf should appoint a special prosecutor and convene a grand jury into the possible denial of scientific consensus that may have occurred in the jury room.

Golden State Warriors May have Colluded with Russia to steal the NBA Finals.

June 13, 2017

News reports have surfaced that call into question the 2016-2017 NBA finals.  With the drubbing of the Cleveland Cavaliers in Game 5, held in Oracle Arena in Oakland, California, anonymous sources close to the National Basketball Association have become concerned that the scoreboard was hacked during the game.

During the game, many times when the Cavaliers were making a run into the double digit lead of the Warriors, the scoreboard would flicker and at other times, would take 0.78 seconds longer to show the updated score after a basket by the Cavaliers, confusing the players who are used to seeing those scores updates within 0.35 seconds after the score.  This mental confusion led to frustration in which some players reportedly believed that their points didn’t count.  Anonymous sources close to the Cavaliers reported the players thought they were down by 45 points at halftime.  “The locker room at halftime was very somber.  We knew we needed to bring our best half ever,” a player said requesting anonymity.  “When we came out and saw that we were only down by 11, we all had a renewed hope that this was possible.”  Yet, the same shenanigans were occurring in the second half, prompting Cav’s Coach Tyronn Lue to ask the score keeper if the score was fake at a timeout in the 3rd quarter.

Warriors Majority shareholder, Joe Lacob is a self-made billionaire and had his start in a venture capital investing firm that might have close ties to Russia, sources speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the relation to Russian scoreboard makers.  While in the venture capital firm, it is reported, Joe developed close ties to Russian Ambassadors and tycoons.

The scoreboard is a combination of HD screens run by Cisco systems internal parts and JBL speakers, a subsidiary of Harman International.  Harman International CEO, Dinesh Paliwal, served on the board of TYCO International.  You may remember the disgraced former CEO Dennis Koslowski and his felony conviction as head of TYCO in the early 2000’s for improper use of bonus payouts.  Anonymous sources have confirmed that those bonuses were paid in Russian Rubles so that people in the United States could avoid taxes and help the Russians make scoreboards that would be sold through subsidiaries in the United States.  Ancestry.com is looking into the possibility that Koslowski is not from Poland as his biography states.

With these revelations, the United States should open an investigation into the scoreboard maker and the trips that Mr. Lacob has made to Russia in the past 50 years.  Sources close to the Warriors organization have seen memos that could indicate a special business relationship with Russian organizations that specialize in phishing scheme’s to infiltrate scoreboards of all professional and college sports.  Other sources have floated the possibility that Koslowski was indeed a Russian spy.

At the printing of this story, there is no evidence that Russia had any contact with the Warriors organization or majority shareholder Joe Lacob, but that is precisely why there needs to be an investigation and a special prosecutor to delve into the Koslowski ancestry and the Russian collusion with TYCO Internation, if it did indeed exist.

Does the Constitution matter anymore?

January 16, 2012

With the events of the past two weeks since my last post, I think we will put the discussion of social security on the back burner and revisit it in February when the Congress will again meet to see how far down the road they want to kick that can.

This week we will be discussing two directives that the President of the United States signed into law.  The first, a signing statement that he criticized as a Senator in 2008.  The second, an appointment that he made completely against the mandate of the Constitution of the United States.

Let’s address the signing statement.  This is what then, Senator Obama had to say about signing statements:

So as you can tell, Constitutional Professor Obama (and in this clip, in my opinion, he is spot on) does not agree with signing statements and considers them an over-reach of power by the executive branch, BUT on December 31st, 2011 President Obama issued a signing statement after the legislation H.R. 1540 reached his desk.  In essence, he said that he has the right to detain Americans indefinitely, but will not1.  Well isn’t that nice.  The President will not detain us!  This bill gives any future president the authority to do so.  Of course, if this ever occurred there would be a fierce battle over the legality of such actions, but this President signed the bill into law and then decided to do what, in his words, is un-constitutional.  When the ACLU comes out and blasts this signing statement, you know as a left wing Democrat, things are not in good shape2.

Where are all the civil liberties groups besides the ACLU?  Why was there not a complete melt-down on MSNBC over the executive branch’s over-reach of power and trampling of the civil liberties of the American people?  Why did the nightly newscasts not lead with this story?  If George W. Bush would have signed into law a bill that allowed the indefinite detention of Americas, would there have been a nation wide freak-out session?  Oh, that’s right, there was…it was called the Patriot Act (the same Act that President Obama railed against in the campaign and then signed into law a four-year extension of the Patriot Act in July of 2011).  It seems to me, and every other free thinking American, that the news of executive power grabs only occurs if there is a President with an -R after his name.

Secondly, President Obama appointed Democratic union lawyer Richard Griffin, Democratic Labor Department official Sharon Block and Republican NLRB lawyer Terence Flynn.  He also appointed Richard Cordray as head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  The Constitution gives presidents the power to make appointments when the Senate is in recess. Republicans won bipartisan agreement to keep Congress in pro forma sessions every three days through the holidays in an attempt to keep Obama from filling vacancies (which Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did in the last 2 years of George W. Bush’s term effectively blocking many recess appointments Bush would have otherwise made, yet W. decided not to violate the Constitution).

President Obama decided to do what he has dreamed of, being a dictator:

The most disturbing aspect of this video is the Lemmings in the crowd who cheer when Obama said he would “love to bypass Congress.”  Is this what this country has come to?  I wonder if this same crowd would have cheered if George W. Bush would have said the same thing?  Or would we have seen hyperventilating from the left wing media of a power grab unlike any other we have seen?  You be the judge.

In case you didn’t remember, Constitutional Professor Obama, our founders set up this system of government SPECIFICALLY to make it difficult to pass legislation.  They fought to dissolve the type of government you dream of.  As Thomas Paine said, “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”  This government is becoming intolerable, not because of gridlock (which is what the founders wanted), but because you, sir, are trying to become a King, making directives at your whim.

It is an interesting study in hypocrisy when you look at the 2008 candidate Obama vs. the President Obama when it comes to Executive power.  Now, will Congress do its job when it reconvenes and stop the executive branch from its king-like ways?  That would require a spine, and that is badly lacking on the -R side of the aisle.

  1. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/12/31/statement-president-hr-1540
  2. http://www.aclu.org/national-security/president-obama-signs-indefinite-detention-bill-law

2012, Who I am, What we will become and Why?

January 2, 2012

At the request of many friends, family and colleagues I am going to endeavor to put in words, weekly (Monday), what I see on the political and/or economic environment in the year and years to come. This blog will detail many different subjects that interest people in the political sphere of life. Many people might not agree with me and that is why there is a comment section after each of my blog posts. I love to learn, so if I peak an interest that you do not believe I have all the facts on, feel free to correct me, or challenge me. That is how we all learn!

With that said, I think it only fair to let readers and bloggers alike know exactly who I am. I was raised in a small Indiana town of just under 1,000 residents. Yes, we have a four-way stop and a gas station, but that is about it…unless you count the love that is freely given and respect that is taught in a small town! I am proud to be a former resident of Van Buren, IN. I am the son of a man who worked for Foster Forbes on the assembly line, then went into the family business (eggs, yes chickens), and when it was sold, he was left to wonder what he would do next. What he did next not only provided a wonderful life for me and my brother, but taught me the lesson of hard work. He just retired yesterday after a long career at Farm Bureau Insurance earning many distinguished sales awards during his tenure. I am also the son of a woman who epitomizes the word education. She retired in May of last year after over 40 years teaching in the public school system. She dedicated her life to teaching boys and girls to become men and women (in school and at home, thanks Mom!). Not many days go by that when she is in Marion, IN that she does not see a former student.

I graduated from Indiana State University with a bachelor’s in Finance with a minor in statistics. I love numbers and that is my profession!

I am a Christian. No, that does not mean I am a Methodist, or a Lutheran, or a Catholic, or some other established religious sect. There is nothing wrong with that, believe me, I grew up in the Methodist church and love my mom and dad for teaching me the ways of Christ and my Sunday School teachers, youth group leaders and pastors for growing my love of the bible. I let the Bible and Christ’s teachings guide my every decision in life which means I make many mistakes, but I am commanded to learn from them and to try not to repeat them! I am what many call an ‘evangelical Christian.’

I am a father of 3 wonderful children and am still married to the most brilliant, beautiful and absolutely wonderful woman I have ever met. She, to this day, takes my breath away and I often wonder why she didn’t run out of that church when, instead, she walked down the aisle…yes, I married way above my means!

That is me. I am a common American. I love this country. Yes, America has her flaws, but it is the most amazing country ever given by God to man. These are the values that define me and my life. These values will come out in the blogs to come. Some might make your blood boil, and some will hopefully make you think. Above all, this year will be a year of major world events, and I hope I can shed some light on the political and economic turmoil that will likely come

Next week we will tackle social security. Yes, why not! Since Congress and the President decided to kick the can down the road another 2 months, we will dive into the real solution, if we dare!

I will leave you with a short video of the President who inspired this blog site…
